1. 使用[eSign], 提供14天的免費試用期。官網請點這裡,操作請參考附件。
2. 使用[點點簽],6/30前提供30天的免費試用期。官網請點這裡, 使用操作參考請點這裡。
3. 其他,例如:使用[Adobe acrobat] 官方免費【簽署 PDF 文件】功能,但口試委員須輪流簽署。
※ 若無法以電子簽名方式署名,仍可以原有紙本簽名後掃瞄方式辦理。
Dear everyone,
Regarding the signature on the “Thesis/Dissertation Defense Grade Sheet” and the “Approved Letter from the Thesis/Dissertation Defense Committee”, if you want to use an electronic signature, the following tools are recommended.
1. For using the “eSign”, a 14-day free trial period can be provided. Please click here for the official website and refer to the attachment for the operation instructions.
2. For using the “DottedSign”, a 30-day free trial period will be provided before June 30. Please click here for the official website and click here for the operation instructions.
3. Other methods, such as using Adobe acrobat's official function of signing PDF documents for free. But, the members of the thesis/dissertation defense committee must take turns to sign.
※ If you cannot use electronic signatures to sign your documents, a scanned paper signature is still acceptable.