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 International Conferences

  1. J. Kumar, S. K. Tripathy, B. K. Mandal, Y. M. Chen, and R. J. Jeng, "Photoprocessable Second-Order Nonlinear-Optical Polymers,  Conferecne on Ouantum Electronics Laser Science, Technical Digest Series Vol.ll, Optical Societies of America, (1991) 124-125.

  2. S. K. Tripathy, B. Mandal, R. J. Jeng , J. Y. Lee, and J. Kumar, "Design and Synthesis of a New Class of Photocrosslinkable Nonlinear Optical Polymer", Polym. Prepr. Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem., 32 No. 2(1991) 94-95.

  3. L. Li, X. Zhu, R. J. Jeng, Y. M. Chen, J. Kumar, and S. K. Tripathy, "Stable Second-Order Optical Nonlinearity in Novel Photocrosslinkable Polymers", proceeding of Conference on Emerging Optoelectronic Technology, edited by A. Selvarajan, B. S. Sonde, K. Shenai, and V. K. Tripathi, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, India, (1992) 156-159.

  4. J. I. Chen, S. Marturunkakul, L. Li, R. J. Jeng, J. Kumar, and S. K. Tripathy, "Investigations on a Second Order Nonlinear Optical Interpenetrating Polymer Network", Polym. Prepr. Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem., 34, No. 1(1993) 707-708.

  5. S. Marturunkakul, J. I. Chen, R. J. Jeng, Y. M. Chen, S. Sengupta, J. Kumar, and S. K. Tripathy, "A Stable Nonlinear Optical Material Based on Polyimide/Inorganic Composite and Its Relaxation Study", Polym. Prepr. Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polvm.Chem., 34, No. 1(1993) 711-712.

  6. R. J. Jeng, Y. M. Chen, J. I. Chen, J. Kumar, and S. K. Tripathy, "Poled Ordered Phenoxy-Silicon Polymer as Stable Second Order Nonlinear Optical Materials" Polvm. Prepr. Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polvm. Chem., 34, No. 1(1993) 292-293.

  7. J. I. Chen, S. Marturunkakul, L. Li, R. J. Jeng, J. Kumar, and S. K. Tripathy,"Interpenetrating Polymer Networks with Stable Second Order Optical Nonlinearity via an In-Situ Sol-Gel Reaction", Conferecne on Organic Thin Film for Photonic Applications, Technical Digest Series Vol. 17, Optical Societies of America, (1993) 282-285.

  8. R. J. Jeng, J. I. Chen, S. Marturunkakul, Y. M. Chen, J. Kumar, and S. K.Tripathy, "Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of a New Class of Second Order Nonlinear Optical Organic/Inorganic Composites", Polym. Prepr. Am. Chem. Soc.,Div. Polym. Chem., 34, No. 2 (1993) 777-778.

  9. S. Marturunkakul, J. I. Chen, L. Li, X. L. Jiang, R. J. Jeng, S. K. Sengupta , J. Kumar, and S. K. Tripathy, "Stable Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Materials Based on Interpenetrating Polymer Networks", Polym. Prepr. Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polvm. Chem., 35, No. 2 (1994) 134-135.

  10.  R. H. Lee, G. H. Hsiue, and R. J. Jeng, "Miscibility and Molecular Dynamics Studies for the Mixtures of a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystalline Polymer and a Nonlinear Optically Dye", Preprints of IUPAC International Symposium on Functional and High Performance Polymers Taipei, (1994) 611-612.

  11. G. H. Hsiue, J. K. Kuo, and R. J. Jeng, "Design of Silicon Containing Polyimides with Stable Second-Order Optical Nonlinearity", Preprints of IUPAC International Svmposium on Functional and High Performance Polymers Taipei, (1994) 71-72.

  12. J. K. Kuo, R. J. Jeng, and G. H. Hsiue, "Silicon Containing Polyimide for NonlinearOptics", Abstracts of 35th IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry International Svmposiumon Macromolecules Akron, (1994) 748.

  13. G. H. Hsiue, J. K. Kuo, R. J. Jeng, T. H. Suen, and J. T. Shy, "Nonlinear Optically Active Polyimide Containing Phenoxysilicon Linkages", Extended Abstracts of 2nd International Conference on Organic Nonlinear Optics (ICONO'2), Kusatsu, Gunma, Japan(1995) 108-109.

  14. T. H. Suen, R. R. Lee, J. T. Shy, G. H. Hsiue, C. J. Hsieh, and R. J. Jeng, "Nonlinear Optically Active Liquid Crystalline Polymers and Their Copolymers Based on Tolane Chromophores", Extended Abstract of 2nd International Conference on Organic Nonlinear Optics (ICON0'2), Kusatsu, Gunma, Japan(1995) 169-170.

  15.  K. J. Jeng, T. H. Suen, and J. T. Shy, "Organosoluble G. H. Hsiue, J. K. Kuo, R J J Polyimides for Second-Order Nonlinear Optics", Preprint of ANTEC'96, Indianapolis. USA (1996) 1489-1492.

  16. G. H. Hsiue, R. J. Jeng, C. K. Hsu, and R. H. Lee "Delectric Relaxation and Second-Order Nonlinearity of Copolymethacrylates Containing Tolane-Based Mesogenic Groups", Polym. Prepr. Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem., 38, No. 2 (1997) 504-505.

  17. R. H. Lee, G. H. Hsiue, and R J Jeng "Dielectric and Electro-Optical Properties of a Ferroelectric Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline Polysiloxane Containing Azobenzene Dyes as Guest Molecules", Polym. Prepr. Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem., 38, No. 2 (1997) 558-559.

  18.  G. H. Hsiue, R J Jeng and R. H. Lee, “Novel Organic-Inorganic NLO Sol-Gel Materials Based on Melamines and An Alkoxysilane Dye", Proceeding of International Chinese Symposium on Functional Polymers Hsinchu (1997), 37-40

  19. R. J. Jeng, "Organic/Inorganic Second-Order NLO Materials via Sol-Gel Process", Abstract of Nonlinear Optical Materials Mini Symposium in Honor of Seth Marder, Academia Sinica Taipei (1998), p. 11.

  20. R. H. Lee, G. H. Hsiue, and R. J. Jeng "All Sol-Gel Organic-Inorganic NLO Materials Based on Melamines and an Alkoxysilane Dye", Polym. Prepr. Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem., 39, No. 2 (1998) 1032-1033.

  21. R. J. Jeng, R. H. Lee, and G. H. Hsiue "A Novel Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Guest-Host Polymeric Material Exhibiting Optical Transparency Down to 400 nm", Polym. Prepr. Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem., 39, No. 2 (1998) 1073-1074.

  22. R. J. Jeng, T. S. Hsu, C. T. Chen and G. H. Hsiue, "High Tg Polyimide Copolymers Containing 2,2'-Bipyridyl Units Coordinated with Nickel Malenonitriledithiolate", Abstract of IUPAC 8thInternational Symposium on Macromolecules-Metal Complexes (MMC-8 Tokyo) p.118 (1999).

  23. G. H. Hsiue, R. H. Lee, and R. J. Jeng, "Thermally Stable Organic-Inorganic Sol-Gel Hybrids for Second-Order Nonlinear Optics", Abstract of IUPAC 8th International Symposium on Macromolecules-Metal Complexes (MMC-8 Tokyo) p.43 (1999).

  24. W. J. Kuo, G. H. Hsiue, and R. J. Jeng, "Synthesis and Characterization of All Organic Sol-Gel Materials Based on Carbazole Chromophores" Abstract of The 8th Asian Chemical Congress (8ACC'99-Taipei), p.703 (1999).

  25. Y. A. Sha, G. H. Hsiue, C. H. Chiu and R. J. Jeng, "Terminal Substitute Groups Effects of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystalline Polymer", World Chemistry Congress (Brisbane, Australia), Abstract, p.608 (2001).

  26.  R. J. Jeng, C. P. Chen, S. A. Dai, and W. C. Su “Facile Approach to Polyurea/malonamide Dendrons via Selective Ring-Opening Addition Reaction of Azetidine-2,4-dione”, Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering, Am. Chem. Soc, 91, 791-792 (2004).

  27. C. P. Chen, S. A. Dai, R. J. Jeng, C. C. Chang, W. C. Su “Polyurethane Elastomers through Multi-Hydrogen-Bonded Association of Dendritic Structures”, Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering, , 91, 433-434 (2004).

  28. W. J. Kuo, Y. H. Chen, R. J. Jeng, ”Synthesis and Characterization of Aryl-Substituted Pyrrole Fluorphores”, The 10th International Chemical Conference (ICCT10), Taipei, Abstracts of Synthetic Chemistry, P-063 (2005).

  29. R. J. Jeng, T. Y. Juang, C. C. Tsai and S. A. Dai, “Synthesis and Developement of Novel Multi-Hydrongen-Honded Polyurea/Malonamide Dendron” 28th Australasian Polymer Symposium, Rotorua, New Zealand, Abstract Book, A2-06 (2006).

  30. R. J. Jeng, Y. C. Chen, and S. A. Dai, “Facile Synthesis of Nonlinear Optical Polyimides Containing Dendritic Structures”, STS M-Polymer Architecture-From Structure to Functional Control, 1stEuropean Chemistry Congress, Budapest, Hungary, Abstract Book, p. 261 (2006).

  31. C. C. Tsai, T. Y. Juang, S. A. Dai, R. J. Jeng, and W. C. Su, “Polyurea/Malonamide Dendrons as Surfactant for Effective Modification of Montmorillonite”, STS M-Polymer Architecture-From Structure to Functional Control, 1st Euroopean Chemistry Congress, Budapest, Hungary, Abstract Book, p. 300 (2006).

  32.  T. Y. Wang, R. J. Jeng, J. Y. Wu, Y. F. Shih, S. F. Young, Y. T. Lai, and L. L. Wang, “PBS/Organoclay Biodegradable Nanocomposites”, The 11th APCChE Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Proceeding, 323 (2006).

  33.  Y. F. Shih, T. Y. Wang, and R. J. Jeng, “The Effect of Nano-Dispersed Organoclay on the Biodegradability of Poly(Butylene Succinate)”, 2006 International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, Proceeing, 333-334 (2006).

  34. Y. F. Shih, T. Y. Wang, R. J. Jeng, and D. S. Wuu, “Biodegradable Nanocomposites Based on Poly(Butylene Succinate)/Organoclay: I. Permeability Properties”, Taiwan-India Conference on Nanomaterials, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Proceeding, (2006) 1-8.

  35. J. J. Lin, Y. N. Chan, and R. J. Jeng, “Layered-clay-skeleton initiated epoxy polymerization and formation of unique silicate/polymer hybrid assemblies”, Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering, Am. Chem. Soc, 96 (2007) 670-671.

  36. Y. C. Chen, S. A. Dai, and R. J. Jeng, “Synthesis and Characterization of NLO Polymers Containing Dendritic Structures”, Polym. Prepr. Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem., 48, No. 2 (2007) 315-317.

  37. W. H. Ting, S. A. Dai, W. C. Su, and R. J. Jeng, “Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(Vinyl Benzyl Amine) and Its Derivatives”, Polym. Prepr. Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem., 48, No. 2 (2007) 318-319.

  38. H. L. Lin, S. A. Dai, and R. J. Jeng, “Stable Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Poly(Amide-Imide)-Inorganic Materials via Sequential Self-Repetitive Reaction”, Polym. Prepr. Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem., 48, No. 2 (2007) 320-321.

  39. R. J. Jeng, T. Y. Juang, C. C. Tsai, Y. C. Chen, T. M. Wu, and S. A. Dai, “Synthesis and Montmorillonite-Intercalated Behavior of Dendritic Molecules”, Polym. Prepr. Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem., 48, No. 2 (2007) 444-445.

  40. R. H. Lee, H. L. Lin, S. A. Dai, and R. J. Jeng, "Thermally Stable NLO Poly(amide-imide)s via Acylurea Intermediates", Fifth International Symposium on Polyimides and Other High Temperature Polymers, Nov. 5-7, P10, Orlando, Florida, USA, (2007) P10. (Invited Speaker).

  41. T. Y. Chao, R. J. Jeng, and H. L. Chang,“Facile Synthesis and Optical Nonlinearity of Hyperbranched Polyaspartimides Containing Azobenzene Chromophores”, 5th International Dendrimer Symposium, Toulouse, France, (2007) P72.

  42. R. J. Jeng, Y. C. Chen, T. Y. Juang, S. A. Dai, and T. M. Wu, “Thermally Stable NLO Polyimides Consisting of Montmorillonite Intercalated with a Chromophore-Containing Dendritic Structure: A Self-Assembly Approach” IUPAC MACRO 2008 Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, Abstract Book, 0153 (2008).

  43. T. Y. Juang, R. J. Jeng, T. M. Wu, S. A. Dai, “Polystyrene-Based Nanocomposites by in Situ Living Free Radical Polymerization Using an Initiator-Modified Silicate” IUPAC MACRO 2008 Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, Abstract Book, P-043-061, 441 (2008).

  44. C. C. Tsai, C. S. Yu, S. A. Dai, W. C. Su and R. J. Jeng, “Side Chain Dendritic Polyurethane with Shape-memory Effect” IUPAC MACRO 2008 Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, Abstract Book, P-043-061, 441 (2008).

  45. H. L. Chang, H. L. Lin, T. Y. Juang, S. A. Dai, R. J. Jeng, “Preparation and Properties of NLO Poly(amide-imide)-Clay Nanocomposites via Sequential Self-Repetitive Reaction” IUPAC MACRO 2008 Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, Abstract Book, P-065-153, 453 (2008).

  46. H. L. Lin, S. A. Dai, R. J. Jeng, “Nonlinear Optical Poly(amide-imide)s and Polyimides via Sequential Self-repetitive Reaction” IUPAC MACRO 2008 Symposium, Taipei, ROC, Abstract Book, P-011-031, 447 (2008).

  47. C. Y. Chen, S. H. A. Dai, and R. J. Jeng, “Synthesis and Characterization of Organic-Inorganic NLO Hybrids Bearing Dendritic Structures” IUPAC MACRO 2008 Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, Abstract Book, P-063-143, 446 (2008).

  48. Y. F. Shih, L. S. Chen, R. J. Jeng, “Preparation and properties of biodegradable PBS/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites” IUPAC MACRO 2008 Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, Abstract Book, P-093-132, 457 (2008).

  49. W. H. Ting, S. A. Dai, R. J. Jeng, “Synthesis and Characterization of Self-Assembled Side Chain Dendritic Polymers” IUPAC MACRO 2008 Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, Abstract Book, P-012-064, 504 (2008).

  50. R. J. Jeng, W. H. Ting, S. A. Dai and C. C. Chen, “Superhydrophobic Polymer Films Based on Malonamide Dendrons with Peripheral Long Alkyl Chain”, 2009 The Biennial Australian Colloid and Interface Symposium, Adelaide, Australia, Abstract Book, OC114, p. 189 (2009).

  51. C. S. Lin, Y. F. Shih, and R. J. Jeng, “Preparation and Properties of Biodegradable PBS/Organically Modified Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposites”, 13th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, Taipei, Taiwan, Program Book, 10336 (2010).

  52. T. Y. Juang, J. K. Liu, S. A. Dai, C. H. Lin, and R. J. Jeng, “Preparation and characterization of reactive modifier capable of hydrogen-bonding: intermolecular interaction involving epoxy  resin”, 2nd International Conference on Nanomechanics and Nanocomposites 2010, Beijing, China,  Abstract  Book, pp 276-278 (2010).

  53. H. J. Wang, L. H. Chan, C. P. Chen, and R. J. Jeng, “Synthesis and Photovoltaic Properties of Polythiophene Derivatives Containing Bulky Conjugated Side Chain with Regioregular and Block Configurations”, 2010 SPIE Optics + Photonics Conference, San Diego, USA, Program Book , 7777-40 (2010).

  54. H. J. Wang, L. H. Chan, C. P. Chen, and R. J. Jeng, “A New Polythiophene Derivative Containing Carbazole as Pendant Group for Organic Photovoltaic Cell Applications”, The 5th International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings, Harbin, China, Program Book, OPV 4867 (2010).

  55. T. Y. Juang, J. K. Liu, S. A. Dai, C. H. Lin, and R. J. Jeng, “Preparation  and  Characterization  of  Reactive  Modifier  Capable  of  Hydrogen-bonding: Intermolecular  Interaction  Involving  Epoxy  Resin”,  2nd  International  Conference  on Nanomechanics  and  Nanocomposites, Beijing, China, p. 276 (2010).

  56. Y. H. Chen, Y. Y. Lin, Y. C. Chen, J. T. Lin, R. H. Lee, and R. J. Jeng, “Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Blue-Light-Emitting Fluorene-Carbazole Copolymers with Boryl Substitutions”, The 17th International Display Workshops (IDW’ 10), Fukuoka, Japan, Abstract Book, pp.1229 -1230 (2010).

  57. E. Fugate, Y. C. Tsai, C. M. Yeh, R. J. Jeng, S. Y. Suen, and E. Conte,    “Studies of the Interactions between Methylene Blue and Honeycomb-like of Polyurethane Films Using Cyclic Voltammetry and Amperometry”, CHED-1088, Abstracts of Papers, 241st ACS National Meeting & Exposition (2011).

  58. Shin-Chih Liu, Shi-Min Shau, Shenghong A. Dai and Ru-Jong Jeng. " Side-chain Crosslinked Polyurethane with Shaped Memory Effect ", 33 Australasian Polymer Symposium, P55 p351 (2012).

  59. Yan-ling Huang , Hsun-Lien Lin , Shenghong A. Dai , Ru-Jong Jeng. " Sequential self-repetitive reaction toward full polyimides featuring linear or hyperbranched structures with stable optical nonlinearity ",33 Australasian Polymer Symposium, P34 p329 (2012).

  60. C. Y. Cheng, Y. L. Huang, H. L. Lin, H. J. Wang, S. A. Dai, and R. J. Jeng*, “Wholly Aromatic Polyimides Featuring Linear or Hyperbranched Structures with Stable Optical Nonlinearity Based on Sequential Self-Repetitive Reaction”, 2012 Asia Pacific Polyimides and High Performance Polymers Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, Abstract Book, P-2, p. 93 (2012).

  61. Y. C. Chen, S. C. Liu, H. J. Wang, S. M. Shau, S. A. Dai, and R. J. Jeng*, “Crosslinked Side-chain Polyurethanes with Shape Memory Effect”, 2012 Asia Pacific Polyimides and High Performance Polymers Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, Abstract Book, P-5, p. 99 (2012).

  62. Y. H. Chen, C. W. Hsieh, R. J. Jeng, and S. A. Dai*, “Convergent Synthesis of Polyimide Dendrimers from ABB’ Type Intermediate”, 2012 Asia Pacific Polyimides and High Performance Polymers Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, Abstract Book, P-15, p. 119 (2012).

  63. R. J. Jeng*, W. H. Tsai, S. A. Dai, and R. H. Lee, “Orderly Arranged NLO Materials on Exfoliated Layered Templates Based on Dendrons with Alternating Moieties in Periphery”, The Sixth East Asia Symposium on Functional Dyes and Advanced Materials, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Abstract Book, p.59 (2013). (Invited Lecture)

  64. R. J. Jeng, T. Y. Juang, T. M. Wu, and S. A. Dai, “Organo-Clay Hybrids Based on Self-Organized Dendritic Macromolecules”, The 13th Pacific Polymer Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov. 17-22, 2013, Abstracts Book, Oral-S4-03.

  65. H. J. Wang, C. W. Chou, C. P. Chen, Y. H. Chen, R. H. Lee, and R. J. Jeng*, “Synthesis of Polythiophenes Comprising Conjugated Pendants toward Long-Term Air-Stable Inverted Polymer Solar Cell with High Open Circuit Voltage”, The 13th Pacific Polymer Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov. 17-22, 2013, Abstracts Book, Oral-S7-04.

  66. Y. A. Su, S. A. Dai, and R. J. Jeng*, “Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Dendritic Diblock Copolymers”, The 13th Pacific Polymer Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov. 17-22, 2013, Abstracts Book, Poster-S4-006.

  67. C. H. Wu, W. H. Ting, C. H. Lin, S. M. Shau, S. A. Dai, and R. J. Jeng, “Ordered Hexagonal Structures Based on Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Poly(Urea/Malonamide) Dendrons”, The 13th Pacific Polymer Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov. 17-22, 2013, Abstracts Book, Poster-S4-012.

  68. S. W. Li, R. J. Jeng, and C. T. Chen, “Synthesis and Characterization of Regioregular P3HT Based Polymer Containing 3,4-Dihexylthiophene-S,S-Dioxide(DHTO) as Electron Withdrawing Moiety to Improve the Energy Band Gap”, The 13th Pacific Polymer Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov. 17-22, 2013, Abstracts Book, Poster-S7-035.

  69. R. J. Jeng, T. Y. Juang, T. M. Wu, and S. A. Dai, ”Ordered Organo-clay Nanocomposites Based on Amphiphilic Dendritic Macromolecules”, 2014 Taiwan-Korean Joint Polymer Symposium, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, Jan. 10-11, 2014, Proceeding Book, IL-07, p.83.(Invited Lecture)

  70. R. J. Jeng, J. J. Lin, T. M Wu, and S. A. Dai, “Nanoscale Organoclay Nanocomposites Based on Dendritic Macromolecules”, 2014 Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Nanospace Materials, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, Mar. 11-12, 2014, Abstract Book, I-2. (Invited Lecture)

  71. R. J. Jeng, Y. A. Su, W. F. Chen, and, S. A. Dai, ”Honeycomb-like Polymeric Films from Dendritic Polymers Presenting Reactive Pendent Moieties”, 2014 Cross-strait (Mainland, Taiwan, and Hongkong) Polymeric Liquid Crystals and Supramolecular Structures Symposium (PLSS2014), Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, China, Aug. 12-16, 2014, Abstract Book, I-14. (Invited Lecture)

  72. R. J. Jeng, S. A. Dai, and T. M Wu, “Optical Nonlinearity from Ordered Clays Modified by Dendritic Macromolecules”, 2014 Korea-Taiwan Joint Symposium on Polymer Synthesis and Applications, Jeju Island, Korea, Oct. 6-8, 2014, Proceedings, The Polymer Society of Korea, p. 35, IL.3-1. (Invited Lecture)

  73. R. J. Jeng, T. Y. Juang, T. M Wu, and S. A. Dai, “Optical Nonlinearity from Ordered Organoclays Modified by Dendritic Macromolecules”, 2014 Cross-strait Polymer Symposium, Qingdao University, Qingdao, China, Oct. 18-21, 2014, Abstract Book, p. 27. (Invited Lecture)

  74. Y. W. Cheng, T. Y. Juang, H. S. Lin and R. J. Jeng, “Direct Molecular Exfoliation of Graphene Oxide Platelets with Globular Amphiphilic Hyperbranched Polymers”, 2015 International Conference on Nanospace Materials: from Fundamental to Advanced Applications (ICNM 2015), National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, June 23-25, 2015, Abstract Book, D10, p.105.

  75. Y. A. Su, W. C. Lin, R. H. Lee, S. A. Dai and R. J. Jeng, “Inverted Photovoltaic Solar Cells with Enhanced Performance Based on Graphene Nanosheet/AgNPs Nanohybrids”, 2015 International Conference on Nanospace Materials: from Fundamental to Advanced Applications (ICNM 2015), National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, June 23-25, 2015, Abstract Book, E14, p.106.

  76. C. H. Wu, Y. C. Chen, H. C. Liu, S. A. Dai and R. J. Jeng, “Shape-memory Polyurethanes Based on Hydrogen Bond-rich Urea/malonamide Side Chains”, European Polymer Congress 2015, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 21-26, 2015, Abstracts Book, Poster-Syn-P-088.

  77. Y. Y. Syu, S. J. Yeh, R. J. Jeng and C. T. Chen, "The Study for Hydrogen Bond-rich Dendrons as Dielectric Layer for N-type OTFTs Devices", SPIE OPTICS+PHOTONICS, San Diego, California, USA, Aug. 11-13, 2015, Abstracts Book, Oral-Paper-Number-9568-122.

  78. R. J. Jeng, Y. A. Su, Y. W. Lai, and C. H. Wu, “Honeycomb-like Polymeric Films from Dendritic Polymers”, Japan-Taiwan Bilateral Polymer Symposium 2015 (JTBPS2015), Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, Sep. 2-6, 2015, Abstracts Book, p.62 (IL16). (Invited Lecture)

  79. B. Y. Chen, C. C. Kuo, and R. J. Jeng, “Novel Highly Selective and Reversible Chemosensor Based on Fluorescent Electrospun Nanofibers with pH and Hg2+ ”, Japan-Taiwan Bilateral Polymer Symposium 2015 (JTBPS2015), Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, Sep. 2-6, 2015, Abstracts Book, p.95 (P02).

  80. W. L. Chen, C. H. Wu, Y. C. Chen, H. C. Liu, S. A. Dai, and R. J. Jeng, “Polyurethanes with Reactive Pendants Exhibiting Shape Memory Effect”, The 14th Pacific Polymer Conference, Hawaii, U.S.A., Dec. 9-13, 2015, Abstract Book, Poster-6B-4.


Local Conferences

  1. 薛敬和、吳龍海、謝昌志、鄭如忠,”Synthesis and Thermal Behavior of Nonlinear Optical Liquid Crystalline Materials”,第十七屆高分子研討會論文集,pp659-662 (1994)

  2. 李榮和、薛敬和、鄭如忠、許千樹,”Dielectric Study of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystalline Polysiloxanes with Various Oligooxyethylene Spacers”,第十七屆高分子研討會論文集,pp679-682 (1994)

  3. 郭真寬、鄭如忠、薛敬和,”Silicon Containing Polyimides with Stable Second-Order Optical Nonlinearity via a Sol-Gel Reaction”,第十七屆高分子研討會論文集,pp1029-1032 (1994)

  4. 薛敬和、鄭如忠、郭真寬、李榮和、吳龍海,”Low Loss All Organic Sol-Gel Materials for Second-order Nonlinear Optics”,第十七屆高分子研討會論文集,pp1073-1076 (1994)

  5. 郭真寬、薛敬和、鄭如忠、孫德輝、李榮仁、施宙聰,”Inter-Polymerchain Crosslinked Polyimides with Stable Second Order Optical Nonlinearity:,八十四年度中國材料科學學會年論文集(下),190-191 (1995)

  6. 李榮和、薛敬和、鄭如忠、黃中堯,”A New Class of Organic-Inorganic Sol-Gel Materials for Second Order Nonlinear Optics”,八十四年度中國材料科學學會年論文集(下),192-193 (1995)

  7. 劉英麟、薛敬和、邱義雄、鄭如忠,”Flame Retardant Polystyrene from Polymer Modification”,第十八屆高分子研討會論文集,pp367-370 (1995)

  8. 李榮仁、孫德輝、施宙聰、郭真寬、鄭如忠、薛敬和,”有機非線性分子非線性係數衰變的研究’,第十八屆高分子研討會論文集,pp563-566 (1995)

  9. 李榮和、薛敬和、鄭如忠、黃中堯,”Second Order Nonlinear Optical Organic/Inorganic Sol-Gel Materials”,第十九屆高分子研討會論文集,pp317-320 (1996)

  10. 薛敬和、許哲凱、李榮和、黃振球、鄭如忠,”Relaxation Behavior of NLO-Active Side Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymathacrylates Containing Tolane-Based Mesogenic Groups as AsInvestigated by Second Harmonic Generation”,第十九屆高分子研討會論文集,pp603-606 (1996)

  11. 薛敬和、郭文章、鄭如忠、李榮和,”Synthesis and Characterization of NLO-Active Liquid Crystals and Their Polymers Based on Naphthylphenylacetylene Mesogenic Group”,第十九屆高分子研討會論文集,pp607-610 (1996)

  12. 郭真寬、薛敬和、鄭如忠、孫德輝、施宙聰,”Crosslinkable Side-Chain Polyimides Exhibiting 2 nd Order Nonlinear Optical Properties”,第十九屆高分子研討會論文集,pp611-614 (1996)

  13. 李榮和、薛敬和、鄭如忠,”Novel Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Polymer Exhibiting Optical Transparency Down to 400 nm”,第二十屆高分子研討會論文集,pp667-670 (1997)

  14. 薛敬和、許哲凱、李榮和、黃振球、鄭如忠,”含二苯乙炔液晶機之側鏈液晶高分子的介電及二次非線性光學研究”,第二十屆高分子研討會論文集,pp499-502 (1997)

  15. 薛敬和、郭文章、鄭如忠,”Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Polyimides Based on Lambda-Shape Azobezenes”,第二十屆高分子研討會論文集,pp683-686 (1997)

  16. 李榮和、薛敬和、鄭如忠,"Novel Organic-Inorganic Sol-Gel Materials for Second-Order Nonlinear Optics",第二十一屆高分子研討會高分子電子材料論文集, pp44-46 (1998).

  17. 鄭如忠、李榮和、薛敬和,"Melamine Based All Organic Sol-Gel Materials for Second-Order Nonlinear Optics",第二十一屆高分子研討會高分子電子材料論文集 , PP47-50 (1998).

  18. 詹立行、鄭如忠、李榮和、薛敬和,"Synthesis and Characterization of All Sol-Gel Melamine-Inorganic Materials",1998年度中國材料科學學會年論文集(I), PP87-90 (1998).

  19. 許德紹、鄭如忠,"Organic-Inorganic Materials from An Organosoluble Polyimide",二十二屆高分子研討會論文集, pp71-72 ( 1999).

  20. 薛敬和、林志祥、郭文章、鄭如忠,"含1,3苯二氨非線性光學發色團之合成及其在溶膠-凝膠之研究" ,第二十二屆高分子研討會論文集, pp363-364 (1999).

  21. 蔡孟洲、羅庚生、鄭如忠、郭文章、薛敬和, “Stable Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Materials Based on Bismaleimides”第二十二屆高分子研討會論文集,pp365-366 ( 1999).

  22. 葉世傑、鄭如忠,"Organic-Inorganic Materials Based on Melamine and Alkoxysilane",二十二屆高分子研討會論文集 , pp447-448 ( 1999).

  23. 薛敬和、黃元品、郭文章、鄭如忠,"Microstructural Characteristics of PS-SiO2 Nanocomposites", 二十二屆高分子研討會論文集, pp597-598 (1999).

  24. 潘惟永、王俊仁、林江珍、鄭如忠、邱義雄, "含磷聚醚氨高分子之硬化特性及熱穩定性探討", 二十二屆高分子研討會論文集, pp265-266 (1999).

  25. 詹立行、劉苑翎、鄭如忠、郭文章、薛敬和 "網狀互穿型二次非線性光學聚亞醯胺-無機高分子之合成及其光電特性之研究", 二十三屆高分子研討會論文集, pp212-213 (2000).

  26. 薛敬和、郭文章、林志祥、鄭如忠 "Correlation between Chromophoric Structure and Nonlinear Optical Characteristics for All Organic NLO Sol-Gel Materials", 二十三屆高分子研討會論文集, pp250-251 (2000).

  27. 詹立行、羅庚生、鄭如忠、郭文章、薛敬和 "二次非線性光學聚亞醯胺-無機高分子混成材料之合成及其光電特性之研究", 二十三屆高分子研討會論文集, pp226-227 (2000).

  28. 葉世傑、鄭如忠、陳錦地 "含配位錯合物鎳的聚亞醯胺之合成與鑑定", 二十三屆高分子研討會論文集, pp286-287 (2000).

  29. 張家振、葉世傑、黃惠琪、鄭如忠 "Organic/Inorganic Hybrids from Alkoxysilane End-Capping Melamines", 二十三屆高分子研討會論文集, pp666-667 (2000).

  30. 葉世傑、鄭如忠、陳錦地 "含2,2'-雙口比啶聚亞醯胺高分子之合成及和鎳錯合物之錯和性質", 中國化學會八十九年會摘要集, p.43 (2000).

  31. 郭文章、薛敬和、鄭如忠 "Maxroscopic Second-order NLO Properties of a Two-Dimensional Carbazole Chromophore", 二十四屆高分子研討會論文集, pp71-72 (2001).

  32. 劉苑翎、鄭如忠、林江珍、劉英麟、邱義雄、蘇文炯 "含磷雙馬來醯胺單體與高分子之合成及其在難燃材料上之研究", 二十四屆高分子研討會論文集, pp827-828 (2001).

  33. 葉世傑、鄭如忠、陳錦地 "High Tg Polyimides containing 2,2-bipyridyl units coordinated with dithiolate nickel complex", 二十四屆高分子研討會論文集, pp71-72 (2001).

  34. 黃惠琪、葉世傑、張家振、鄭如忠 "由改質三聚氰胺製備之有機無機混成材料之研究", 二十四屆高分子研討會論文集, pp825-826 (2001).

  35. 蕭世明、林江珍、鄭如忠、邱義雄、蘇文炯、李靜淵 "官能基型磷系環氧樹脂之製備與難燃性質探討", 二十四屆高分子研討會論文集, pp518-519 (2001).

  36. 郭文章、薛敬和、鄭如忠 "Enhanced Temporal Stability of the Guest-Host Nonlinear Optical Poly(ether imide)s: Structural Effects of Two-Dimensional Carbazole Chromophores",  二十五屆高分子研討會論文集, p.2 (2002).

  37. 吳文義、鄭如忠、周哲仲 "由有機可溶之聚亞醯胺製備高性能之有機-無機混成材料",  二十五屆高分子研討會論文集, p.126 (2002).

  38. 洪偉諭、林育樂、鄭如忠、薛敬和 "由溶凝膠技術製備含矽膠聚亞醯胺之二次非線性光學材料",  二十五屆高分子研討會論文集, p.126 (2002).

  39. 鄭如忠、張明群、周哲仲 "高溫穩定二次非線性光學含鎳或矽聚亞醯胺之研究",  二十五屆高分子研討會論文集, p.127 (2002).

  40. 郭文章、薛敬和、鄭如忠、李桂仁 "Synthesis and Optical Nonlinearity of Two-Dimensional Carbazole Chromophores",二十五屆高分子研討會論文集, p.127 (2002).

  41. 張家振、鄭如忠、薛敬和 "由雙馬來醯胺製備之高溫穩定二次非線性光學高分子材料", 二十五屆高分子研討會論文集, p.128 (2002).

  42. 張家振、張明群、鄭如忠、周哲仲 "由含雙吡啶環基聚亞醯胺製備二次非線性光學材料之研究", 二十六屆高分子研討會論文集,AP-1-02 (2003).

  43. 陳志平、吳文義、鄭如忠、周哲仲 "由溶凝膠法製備之有機/無機高溫穩定二次非線性光學高分子材料", 二十六屆高分子研討會論文集,AP-1-04 (2003).

  44. 趙宗怡、吳文義、鄭如忠、周哲仲 "由有機可溶之聚亞醯胺製備高性能之有機-無機混成材料", 二十六屆高分子研討會論文集,AP-1-05 (2003).

  45. 郭文章、薛敬和、鄭如忠、蔡協致 "Λ-shaped NLO polyurethane based on 2-D chromophore", 二十六屆高分子研討會論文集,AP-1-26 (2003).

  46. 石燕鳳、鄭如忠 " Studies on the Thermal Degradation Behavior of IPNs Based on Unsaturated Polyester/Epoxy by Modulated Thermogravimetric Analysis", 二十六屆高分子研討會論文集,GP-2-20 (2003).

  47. 石燕鳳、鄭如忠 " Studies on the Compatibility and Molecular Interaction of IPNs Based on Unsaturated Polyester/Epoxy by Solid-State 13C NMR", 二十六屆高分子研討會論文集,GP-2-21 (2003).

  48. 陳志平、戴憲弘、鄭如忠、蘇文烱 ”規則樹枝狀高分子之分子設計及其在光電變頻上之研究” , 第二十七屆高分子研討會論文集p144 (2004).

  49. 李訓清、巫昇炎、鄭如忠、陳釗炫” 離子型Polyol對水性PU物性之影響” , 第二十七屆高分子研討會論文集p162 (2004).

  50. 巫昇炎、李訓清、鄭如忠、林麗惠、鄭美瑜” 具本質抗靜電性水性聚氨基甲酸酯的合成與性質” , 第二十七屆高分子研討會論文集p162 (2004).

  51. 蔡政哲、陳志平、戴憲弘、鄭如忠、蘇文烔 ”兩性規則樹枝狀高分子之製備及特性分析” , 第二十七屆高分子研討會論文集pp144 (2004).

  52. 趙宗怡、張惠玲、鄭如忠” 由聚亞醯胺製備之有機-無機半網狀互穿二次非線性光學材料”, 第二十七屆高分子研討會論文集p181 (2004).

  53. 陳志平、賴炎暉、林訓廉、汪乙嘉、戴憲弘、張惠玲、鄭如忠” 由Poly(acylurea)中間體進行具高極化效率及高溫熱穩定性二次非線光學高分子(聚醯胺-醯亞胺)之製備及特性分析”,第二十七屆高分子研討會論文集,p181 (2004).

  54. Gwo-Su Huang、Chia-Cheng Chang、Chih-Ping Chen、Ru-Jong Jeng、Che-Chung Chou ” Low Loss Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Crosslinked Polymers Based on a Phosphorus-Containing Maleimide” 第二十七屆高分子研討會論文集p182(2004).

  55. 陳英孝、林文棚、鄭如忠、郭文章 “Novle Aryl-substituted Pyrrole Fluorphores for Blue Light-Emitting Diodes”, 93年中國化學會年會摘要,ORM-A-245 (2004).

  56. 蔡政哲、莊宗原、戴憲弘、林江珍、鄭如忠 ”規則樹枝狀高分子合成及其有機/無機奈米混成材料之製備” , 第二十八屆高分子研討會論文集p.170 (2005).   

  57. 邱子維、許子建、陳建汎、鄭如忠 “Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Nonlinear Optical Polyimide Containing Side-Chained Benzobisthiazole-based Chromophore”, 第二十八屆高分子研討會論文集p.143 (2005).

  58. 林志杰、莊宗原、陳志平、戴憲弘、鄭如忠、蘇文炯 ”側鏈型規則樹枝狀聚胺酯之研究”, 第二十八屆高分子研討會論文集p.17 (2005).

  59. 楊志強、趙宗怡、張家振、鄭如忠、張惠玲 ”利用開環加成反應製備二次非線性光學超樹枝狀高分子”, 第二十八屆高分子研討會論文集p.40 (2005).

  60. 陳志平、趙宗怡、戴憲弘、鄭如忠、蘇文炯 ”規則樹枝狀高分子之分子設計及其在光電變頻上之研究”, 第二十八屆高分子研討會論文集p.45 (2005).

  61. 莊宗原、蔡政哲、陳志平 、戴憲宏、蘇文烱、鄭如忠 “利用規則樹枝狀高分子製備有機/無機層狀奈米混成材料”, 第二十九屆高分子研討會論文集AO-3-3 (2006).

  62. 鄭如忠 “Thermally Stable NLO Polyimides and Polyimide/Inorganic Nanocomposites”, 第二十九屆高分子研討會論文集CI-4 (2006).

  63. 陳永忠、蔡政哲、莊宗原、鄭如忠 “規則樹枝狀高分子之分子設計及其在光電變頻上之研究”, 第二十九屆高分子研討會論文集CO-4-3 (2006).

  64. 吳旻諭、丁維和、戴憲弘、蘇文烱、鄭如忠 “新型活性聚合起始劑之製備與其應用”, 第二十九屆高分子研討會論文集AP-B-04 (2006).

  65. 李訓清、林玉芳、鄭如忠 “二氧化矽對水性聚胺基甲酸酯物性之影響”, 第二十九屆高分子研討會論文集EP-A-18 (2006).

  66. 王姿雅、鄭如忠、吳震裕、石燕鳳、楊姍芳、賴盈岑、王儷倫 “生物分解性奈米複合材料之製作及分析”, 第二十九屆高分子研討會論文集EP-A-08 (2006).

  67. 王姿雅、石燕鳳、鄭如忠 ”奈米分散蒙脫土影響生物分解性材料結晶行為之探討”,九十五年度中國材料科學學會論文摘要集(下),192-195 (2006)

  68. 丁維和、戴憲弘、蘇文烱、鄭如忠 “Syntheses and Characteristics of Poly(vinyl benzylamine)”, 第三十屆高分子研討會論文集 AP-40 p.138 (2007).

  69. 林訓廉、戴憲弘、鄭如忠、張惠玲、蘇文烱 “新型二次非線性光學聚醯胺-醯亞胺/無機材料之合成及性質研究”, 第三十屆高分子研討會論文集 CP-019 p.183 (2007).

  70. 陳永忠、戴憲弘、鄭如忠 “含規則樹枝狀結構/二維發色團聚亞醯胺材料之合成及光電特性研究(1/2)”, 第三十屆高分子研討會論文集 CP-020 p.184 (2007).

  71. 劉岳樺、趙宗怡、鄭如忠、張惠玲 “由馬來醯胺製備二次非線性光學超樹枝狀聚天門冬亞醯胺”, 第三十屆高分子研討會論文集 CP-022 p.184 (2007).

  72. 陳烜平、吳受勳、許子建、鄭如忠 “Synthesis and Characterization of Nonlinear Optical Polyimides Containing Benzobisthiazole-Based Chromophores”, 第三十屆高分子研討會論文集CP-080 p.202 (2007).

  73. 73.   石燕鳳、王姿雅、鄭如忠、吳震裕 “Bionolle/有機蒙脫土生物分解性奈米複合材料I. 機械性質及熱性質探討”, 第三十屆高分子研討會論文集 FP-003 p.254 (2007).

  74. 石燕鳳、王姿雅、鄭如忠、吳震裕 “Bionolle/有機蒙脫土生物分解性奈米複合材料II. 結晶動力學及氣體透過率分析”, 第三十屆高分子研討會論文集 FP-004 p.254 (2007).

  75. 游敬翔、蔡政哲、戴憲弘、鄭如忠、蘇文烱 “側鏈樹枝狀形狀記憶有機奈米聚胺酯”, 第三十屆高分子研討會論文集 FP-022 p.259 (2007).

  76. 陳永忠、莊宗原、戴憲弘、吳宗明、鄭如忠 ” Optical Nonlinearity from Montmorillonite Intercalated with Chromophore-Containing Dendritic Structure: A Non-Poling Approach”, 第三十一屆高分子研討會論文集 CO-11 p49 (2008).

  77. 羅佳豪、蔡政哲、戴憲弘、鄭如忠、蘇文烱 "兩性共聚規則樹枝狀高分子之製備及特性分析",第三十一屆高分子研討會論文集 AP-069 p157 (2008).

  78. 陳永忠、戴憲弘、鄭如忠 "含規則樹枝狀結構/二維發色團聚亞醯胺材料之合成及光電特性研究(2/2)", 第三十一屆高分子研討會論文集 CP-010 p194 (2008).

  79. 莊宗原、丁維和、吳旻諭、戴憲弘、蘇文烱、鄭如忠 "利用新型活性聚合方法製備聚苯乙烯/蒙脫土奈米複合材料", 第三十一屆高分子研討會論文集 EP-022 p264 (2008).

  80. 陳立姍、石燕鳳、鄭如忠 "生物可分解性Bionolle/多壁奈米碳管複合材料之製備與探討", 第三十一屆高分子研討會論文集 EP-030 p267 (2008).

  81. 林訓廉、戴憲弘、鄭如忠、張惠玲、蘇文烱 "新型二次非線性光學聚醯胺-醯亞胺/無機層狀複合材料之合成及性質研究", 第三十一屆高分子研討會論文集 EP-144 p303 (2008).

  82. Wei-Ho Ting, Chao-Chin Chen, Shenghong A. Dai, Shing-Yi Suen, I-Kuan Yang, Ying-Ling Liu and Ru-Jong Jeng "Superhydrophobic waxy-dendron-grafted polymer films via nanostructuremanipulation", 第三十二屆高分子研討會論文集 AO-11 p60 (2009)

  83. Wei-He Ting, Shenghong A. Dai, Ru Jong Jeng "Synthesis and Characterization of Honeycomb-like Polymeric Films Based on SideChain Dendritic Polymers", 第三十二屆高分子研討會論文集 AO-15 p62 (2009)

  84. 王杏如、林鑫磊、郭文章、鄭如忠 "含咔唑之二維發色團基側鏈型二次非線性光學材料", 第三十二屆高分子研討會論文集 CO-10 p83 (2009)

  85. 劉俊谷、戴憲弘、蘇文炯、林慶炫、鄭如忠 "具多氫鍵環氧樹脂含磷反應型改質劑之合成與性質探討", 第三十二屆高分子研討會論文集 AP-026 p186 (2009)

  86.  陳永忠、羅惟駿、鄭如忠 "具高熱穩定亞醯胺結構之規則樹枝狀材料/二維發色團基合成及光電特性研究 (1/2)", 第三十二屆高分子研討會論文集 CP-024 p240 (2009)

  87. 陳永忠、戴憲弘、鄭如忠 "Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(ureathane/malonamide) Dendrimers with Disperse Red 1 Chromophore", 第三十二屆高分子研討會論文集 CP-026 p241 (2009)

  88. 林訓廉、戴憲弘、鄭如忠 "利用含氟化物製備具高極化效率及高溫穩定性之二次非線性光學高分子", 第三十二屆高分子研討會論文集 CP-027 p241 (2009)

  89. 陳英孝、林鑫磊、詹立行、李榮和、顏銘佑、郭文章、陳錦地、鄭如忠 "含硼咔唑衍生物於非摻質型高效率藍色有機電激發光材料之合成與研究", 第三十二屆高分子研討會論文集CP-028 p241 (2009)

  90. 葉峻銘、丁維和、張家振、戴憲弘、蘇文烱、鄭如忠 “製備側鏈為規則樹枝狀高分子之多孔性蜂窩狀聚胺酯薄膜”, 第三十三屆高分子研討會論文集 BP-028 p.201 (2010).

  91. 吳天豪、陳永忠、戴憲弘、鄭如忠、莊宗原 “Nanoscale Organic/Inorganic Hybrids Based on Self-Organized Dendritic Marcromolecules upon Layered Silicates”, 第三十三屆高分子研討會論文集 BP-029 p.201 (2010).

  92. W. H. Ting, C. C. Chen, S. A. Dai, and R. J. Jeng, “Superhydrophobic polymer films based on waxy-dendron-grafted polystyrenes”, 第三十三屆高分子研討會論文集 BP-030 p.201 (2010).

  93. 王杏如、詹立行、陳志平、鄭如忠 “側鏈含三本胺P型共軛高分子之光電性質研究”, 第三十三屆高分子研討會論文集 BP-043 p.273 (2010).

  94. 石燕鳳、王彥斌、林宛螢、羅正宏、鄭如忠、林錦昇、謝啟發 “多壁奈米碳管/聚乳酸奈米綠色複材之研究”, 第三十三屆高分子研討會論文集 FP-017 p.352 (2010).

  95. 林漢昇、梁孟、莊宗原、鄭如忠 “ Preparation and Application of Amphiphilic Dendritic Polymer Using an“A2+B3”Approach”, 中國化學年會, p.732, (2010).

  96. 楊國本、黃正良、戴憲弘、莊宗原、鄭如忠 “以立體樹枝狀高分子製備有機/無機奈米混成材料”, 中國化學年會, p.756 (2010)

  97. 張家振、林茂雄、丁維和、邱信程、蘇文烱、鄭如忠“側鏈規則樹枝狀高分子囊胞製備與應用”, 第三十四屆高分子學術研討會論文集 BP-014 p243 (2011).

  98. 陳威帆、葉峻銘、丁維和、張家振、戴憲弘、蘇文烱、鄭如忠 “製備側鏈為規則樹枝狀高分子之多孔性蜂窩狀聚胺酯薄膜”, 第三十四屆高分子學術研討會論文集 BP-015 p243  (2011).

  99. 王杏如、詹立行、陳志平、李榮和、鄭如忠 ” Polythiophene Derivative Comprising Carbazoles as Pendant Groups for Polymer Solar Cell Applications”, 第三十四屆高分子學術研討會論文集 DP-013 p287  (2011).

  100. 陳英孝、林昱穎、陳永忠、林建村、李榮和、郭文章、鄭如忠 ” 含硼咔唑衍生物/茀之藍光共軛高分子合成與電激發光特性之研究” , 第三十四屆高分子學術研討會論文集 DP-014 p287  (2011).

  101. 蔡偉祥、吳天豪、陳永忠、戴憲弘、鄭如忠 “Preparation and Characterization of Organoclays Based on Dendrons, and Their Self-Assembly Behavior for Electro-Optics”, 第三十四屆高分子學術研討會論文集 DP-015 p288 (2011).

  102. 劉信志、蕭世明、謝啟發、戴憲弘、鄭如忠 “交聯型側鏈聚胺酯在形狀記憶上之應用”,第三十五屆高分子研討會 PB1-4 p139 (2012).

  103. 周于堯、蕭世明、謝啟發、戴憲弘、鄭如忠 “A2B3型超分支狀高分子在環氧樹脂增韌特性上的應用”,第三十五屆高分子研討會 OB6-004 p52 (2012).

  104. 黃嬿玲、王中正、林訓廉、戴憲弘、鄭如忠 “經連續自我反覆反應製備超分枝聚醯亞胺材料及其非線性光學特性之研究”,第三十五屆高分子研討會 PD1-6 p178 (2012).

  105. 王杏如、李佳娜、詹立行、陳志平、李榮和、鄭如忠 “聚噻吩衍生物側鏈含咔唑之光電性質與高分子太陽能電池的應用”,第三十五屆高分子研討會 PD1-5 p177 (2012).

  106. 王杏如、周承威、詹立行、陳志平、林鑫磊、李榮和、鄭如忠 “合成不同密度之剛硬側鏈聚噻吩衍生物與光伏特性研究”,第三十五屆高分子研討會 PD1-10 p180 (2012).

  107. 蕭雅云、林訓廉、戴憲弘、鄭如忠 “Sequential self-repetitive reaction toward wholly aromatic polyimides with highly stable optical nonlinearity”,第三十五屆高分子研討會 PD1-8 p179 (2012).

  108. 蕭世明、莊宗原、戴憲弘、鄭如忠 “水性聚氨酯奈米水滑石奈米複材”,第三十五屆高分子研討會 PG2-18 p266 (2012).

  109. 蕭世明、吳建欣、蘇文烱、戴憲弘、鄭如忠 “側鏈可交聯化水性聚胺酯之製備與性質”,第三十五屆高分子研討會 PB1-5 p139 (2012).

  110. 陳英孝、林鑫磊、張毓真、陳永忠、林建春、李榮和、郭文章、鄭如忠 “Efficient Non-Doped Blue Light Emitting Diodes Based on Novel Carbazole-Substituted Anthracene Derivatives” ,第三十五屆高分子研討會 PD1-9 p179 (2012)

  111. 王杏如、林孟橋、曾健瑜、李榮和、鄭如忠 “聚噻吩衍生物側鏈含三苯胺/咔唑之光電性質與高分子太陽能電池的應用”,第三十六屆高分子研討會OD2-3 , p.177 (2013).

  112. 王杏如、江嘉文、陳遠鵬、李榮和、鄭如忠 “二維共軛聚噻吩衍生物含三苯胺/噻吩之合成與光伏性質”,第三十六屆高分子研討會PD2-31,p.322 (2013).

  113. 黃嬿玲、鄭景元、王杏如、戴憲弘、鄭如忠 “利用連續自我反覆反應製備線性或超分枝狀聚亞醯胺材料及其非線性光學特性之研究”,第三十六屆高分子研討會PD2-32,p.323 (2013).

  114. 陳冠良、林韋辰、李榮和、謝啟發、鄭如忠 “分子脫層法製備單層氧化石墨烯/聚苯胺及其相關應用”,第三十六屆高分子研討會PB1-32,p.272 (2013).

  115. 蘇佑安、蕭世明、張家振、羅佳豪、陳亦竹、莊宗原、戴憲弘、李榮和、鄭如忠 “Organic/Metallic Nanohybrids Based on Amphiphilic Dumbbell-Shaped Dendrimers”,第三十六屆高分子研討會PB1-33,p.273 (2013).

  116. 周于堯、吳建欣、蕭世明、戴憲弘、謝啟發、鄭如忠 “透過氫鍵作用力製備蒙托土/A2B3型超分支狀高分子複合材料之研究”,第三十六屆高分子研討會PB1-34,p.273 (2013).

  117. 吳建欣、鄭景元、陳昱清、丁維和、鄭如忠 “Synthesis and Self-Assembly of a Series of Amphiphilic Dendritic Polymers and Their Applications for Organic/Metallic Nanohybrids”,第三十七屆高分子研討會PB-007,p.204 (2014).

  118. 陳昱清、吳建欣、劉信志、戴憲弘、謝啟發、李榮和、鄭如忠 ”Crosslinked Side-chain Polyurethane with Shape-memory Effect”,第三十七屆高分子研討會PB-055,p.237 (2014).

  119. 唐儀君、郭明杰、戴憲弘、謝啟發、鄭如忠 “Iterative Synthesis of Supramolecular Extenders with Precise Chain Lengths for Polyurethane Elastomers”,第三十七屆高分子研討會PB-057,p.238 (2014).

  120. 賴郁文、蕭雅云、陳永忠、吳建欣、鄭如忠 “Self-assembly Behavior of Chromophores and Organoclays: Strategies, Architectures, Characterization and Electro-optical Modulation”,第三十七屆高分子研討會PD-045,p.288 (2014).

  121. 王杏如、徐芳瑩、周承威、陳志平、陳英孝、李榮和、鄭如忠 “合成側鏈型共軛聚噻吩衍生物於高開路電壓長時間穩定性反式太陽能電池之研究”,第三十七屆高分子研討會PD-046,p.289 (2014).

  122. 王杏如、趙英捷、李佳娜、李榮和、鄭如忠 ”聚噻吩衍生物含2,2’-亞甲基雙苯並噻唑共軛側鏈之合成及光電物理性質研究”,第三十七屆高分子研討會PD-047,p.289 (2014).

  123. 許翔林、江炳煌、陳志平、鄭如忠 “Two-step Thermal Annealing Improves the Morphology of Spin-coated Films for Highly Efficient Perovskite Hybrid Photovoltaics” ,第三十八屆高分子學術研討會PC-II-D013 (2015).

  124. 蘇佑安、陳威帆、莊宗原、丁維和、劉定宇、謝啟發、戴憲弘、鄭如忠 ”自組裝雙性樹枝狀高分子模板之製備與金屬奈米粒子之自排應用”,第三十八屆高分子學術研討會P-MOST-III-B01 (2015).

  125. 許有毅、徐芳瑩、葉世傑、鄭如忠 “聚(3-己烷基吩)摻雜祖母綠雙吩駢環芳香烴化合物薄膜性質與電性探討”,第三十八屆高分子學術研討會PC-II-D042 (2015).

  126. 賴郁文、蕭雅云、陳永忠、吳建欣、謝啟發、鄭如忠“有序發色基團與有機黏土之間自組裝行為探討:機制、構型、特性及光電變頻應用” ,第三十八屆高分子學術研討會P-MOST-III-D02 (2015).

  127. 陳緯倫、陳昱清、劉信志、吳建欣、戴憲弘、鄭如忠 ”可交聯側鏈聚胺酯在形狀記憶的應用”,第三十八屆高分子學術研討會PC-III-B030 (2015).

  128. 唐儀君、汪孟緯、戴憲弘、鄭如忠 ”Spiro-based Monomers from Acid-fragmentation of Bisphenol A and Their Derivatives for Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIMs)” 第三十八屆高分子學術研討會,OEC-I-001 (2015).

  129. 汪孟緯、林慶炫、鄭如忠 ”Study on the Ring-Opening Polymerization of Benzoxazine through Multisubstituted Polybenzoxazine Precursors” 第三十八屆高分子學術研討會,OEC-I-002 (2015).

  130. 王杏如、莊佳鑫、江嘉文、鄭如忠 ”Synthesis of Oligo(thienylfuran)s for Solution Processed Organic Photovoltaics”第三十八屆高分子學術研討會,PC-IID038 (2015).

  131. 吳建欣、陳昱清、劉信志、戴憲弘、謝啟發、鄭如忠  “Poly(urea/malonamide) 側鏈在形狀記憶聚胺酯的應用” 第三十八屆高分子學術研討會,OEC-I-005 (2015).

  132. 陳緯倫、吳建欣、戴憲弘、蘇文炯、鄭如忠 ‟側鏈交聯型聚胺酯在形狀記憶材料的應用”, 第三十九屆高分子學術研討會 EIII-06 (2016).

  133. 吳建欣、丁維和、賴郁文、戴憲弘、鄭如忠 ‟兩性型規則樹枝狀高分子製備超疏水蜂窩狀孔洞膜”, 第三十九屆高分子學術研討會 EIII-11 (2016).

  134. 林玉如、吳建欣、陳昱清、陳建佑、鄭如忠 ‟精準合成Poly(urea/malonamide)側鏈之記憶聚胺酯”, 第三十九屆高分子學術研討會 PI-A016-C (2016).

  135. 呂志聖、吳建欣、蘇佑安、賴郁文、鄭如忠 ‟Honeycomb-like Array Polymeric Films Based on Amphiphilic Dendrons”, 第三十九屆高分子學術研討會 PI-A017-C (2016).

  136. 呂志聖、吳建欣、蘇佑安、賴郁文、鄭如忠 ‟Honeycomb-like Array Polymeric Films Based on Amphiphilic Dendrons”, 第三十九屆高分子學術研討會 PI-A017-C (2016).

  137. 李冠緯、汪孟緯、鄭如忠、林慶炫 ‟Study on the Ring-Opening Polymerization of Benzoxazine through Multi-Substituted Polybenzoxazine precursors”, 第三十九屆高分子學術研討會 PI-A036-C (2016).

  138. 陳建翰、林慶炫、周有駿、汪孟緯、鄭如忠 ‟Study on the co-reaction of Benzoxazine and triazine through a triazine-containing Benzoxazine”, 第三十九屆高分子學術研討會 PI-A074-C (2016).

  139. 蘇佑安、童世煌、戴憲弘、鄭如忠 ‟Self-Assembled structures in dendritic block copolymers with various branching generations and chain lengths”, 第三十九屆高分子學術研討會PI-B016-C (2016).

  140. 李念庭、吳建欣、蕭雅云、鄭如忠 ‟有機二次非線性光學材料的自組裝與光學性質”, 第三十九屆高分子學術研討會 PI-C007-C (2016).

  141. 許有毅、葉世傑、鄭如忠、陳錦地 ‟具有urea/malonamide規則樹枝狀高分子作為N型有機場效薄膜電晶體之介電層材料”, 第三十九屆高分子學術研討會 PI-C008-C (2016).

  142. 蔡景誼、陳健誠、羅以伶、郭霽慶、陳伯瑜、鄭如忠 ‟利用RAFT合成法製備PMMA-b-P(NIPAAm-co-RhBN2AM)新穎材料及其靜電紡絲奈米纖維與應用”, 第三十九屆高分子學術研討會 PI-C012-C (2016).

  143. 李宣緯、陳錦地、鄭如忠 ‟Stabilization of pBAN/PC69BM morphology by hydroxyl group end-functionalized pBCN for active layer of polymer solar cells”, 第三十九屆高分子學術研討會 PI-C051-C (2016).

  144. 陳伯瑜、鄭如忠、梁芳誠、郭霽慶 ‟新型螢光鏡電紡絲奈米纖維及其pH與二價汞離子(Hg2+)環境感測與分離應用”, 第三十九屆高分子學術研討會 PII-F-009-C (2016).

  145. 鄭有為、蘇佑安、江佳晏、劉定宇、鄭如忠 ‟Silver Nanoparticles/Dendron-exfloliated Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanohybrids for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Application”, 第三十九屆高分子學術研討會 PIII-G034-C (2016).

  146. 江佳晏、蘇佑安、鄭有為、劉定宇、鄭如忠 ‟表面含奈米金粒子之蜂窩狀高分子薄膜於表面增強拉曼光譜偵測之應用”, 第三十九屆高分子學術研討會 PIII-G035-C (2016).

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